'Star Wars Battlefront ll' Review


I'm sure many of you who are reading this know of the controversy behind EA's micro transaction fiasco, in which the game basically is play to win on multiplayer. However, I'm not going to go into that. Instead I'm going to look at the actual game itself, as a game, without the EA ridiculousness. Now, with that in mind, here's what I thought of the first game. Fun at times, but not much innovation or content to give it the 'umph' it needs. Now EA and Dice put together the sequel, which many will say is far superior, and which I'm sure will be compared to the original sequel - and despite the controversy, there is a lot to love in this game. But, it's not without issues. Let's have a look.

A huge thing that was left out from the first game was a campaign mode. This time around, we have this mode, which tells the story of Iden Versio, an imperial speical soldier who, after the Battle of Endor, becomes conflicted between her father, an Admiral of the Empire, and the rebellion, who want to bring the galaxy to a hopeful new light. Now, the story is boring, predictable and repetitive. Strangely, you don't get a lot of time to play as Versio, as many missions put you in the shoes of heroes such as Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, which is fine - but the development of this new character is lacking therefore and the ending becomes very un-impactful. The missions are rather quick and uninspired, as many of the space battle missions for example just see you shooting squadrons of Tie-Fighters one after the other. The good things that come out of the campaign however are it's gameplay, this is a shooter afterall and it is incredibly fun. It is also Star Wars, and it has a lot to it in terms of the new star cards, that grant special new abilities to the characters that can turn the tide in difficult combat situations.

Multiplayer is very fun and addictive. Again, the Star Wars dynamic makes it very exciting. The maps have expanded from the last game with some new layouts to old ones such as Hoth, which keeps things less repetitive going forward. Also, all eras have been introduced, including the Clone Wars and the new Disney expansion of the Star Wars universe. It's great playing as a Clone/Droid again, especially on amazing maps such as Kashyyyk. The map design and characters look amazing with these graphics, which are the best part of the game, the aesthetic. The gameplay modes are fun, having different objectives depending on the map make modes unique in their own way, and the battle point system allowing you to be rewarded with playing as different heroes for example gives you something to play for. Space battles are fresh and great to play too, something that was missing from the first game - yet the infiltration of enemy cruisers is missing, one of the best parts of the original. Shame. 

All in all, it's a fun game. But again, it's limited, just as the first one is. The loot crate system is great but needs a lot more to it, the progression system is flawed and the star cards, while a good idea, still need some fixing in places. We should be glad that at least all DLC will be free, and hopefully the campaign will get some of that fixing through this too. It needs a lot of work, but I'll carry on playing because it's still Star Wars and it's still as enjoyable as ever. I'm just hoping we get back Galactic Conquest sometime in the future...


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