

I suppose it would make sense to properly start off my blog by discussing what I enjoy most about film and the tastes I have within it. The answer is pretty much anything really. Well maybe aside from a fair few gropes I have. It's probably better to talk about what I like rather than list them. I approach film in different ways, I can be joyous and happy as anything about a particular film and what it does for me, or I can be cynical nightmare and tear what could be possibly a decent film to shreds. I'm a wild card really, but as you experience this blog you'll grow to know how my mind works with this! 

Directing and writing is where I'm most involved in, having done a lot of it myself. I take a lot of inspiration from my favourite directors, to name but a few. Quentin Tarantino, for his excellent dialogue, writing and characterisation for one, Edgar Wright for his witty comedy, Wes Anderson for his clever cinematography and quirkiness, Ridley Scott for his vast and impressive imagination and Nicolas Winding Refn for his style. Those are just a handful really, and funnily enough they each have a film that makes it onto my 'Top 10 Favourite Films,' including 'Django Unchained' (2012) 'Scott Pilgrim vs The World' (2010) 'Fantastic Mr Fox' (2009) 'Alien' (1979) and 'Drive' (2011). I'm also thrilled to see more directing talent coming up and around the corner, with directors/writers such as Taika Waititi, Damien Chazelle, Denis Villeneuve and Tom Ford having made some stunning and impressive films that would be a crime to miss.

In terms of acting, Ryan Gosling has always stood out for me. Since I first saw 'Drive' (2011) I knew he was my favourite actor. The way he carried himself, playing the Driver, a relatively silent protagonist was perfect. His facial expressions, body language and just overall tone that Refn provided his character is hands down phenomenal. I saw a new light with Gosling last year with Shane Black's 'The Nice Guys' (2016) and Damien Chazelle's 'La La Land' (2016) where he played two different but similar in a comedic way characters. He is an unbelievably funny guy as well as a brilliant serious actor who works very well with actors in various ways. I myself am excited for his part in my most anticipated film of this year, 'Blade Runner 2049' (2017) the sequel to one of my most favourite films. I have a fondness for the underrated Jake Gyllenhaal, who has had some fantastic roles throughout his career. Jack Nicholson, Ian McShane, Michael Fassbender and Joaquin Phoenix are a few others I would definitely rate alongside Gosling and Gyllenhaal. On the subject of actresses, Uma Thurman and Saoirse Ronan (my biggest celebrity crush) always wow me, no matter what they do. Well, Thurman's portrayal of DC villain Poison Ivy is questionable! I've been noticing Anya Taylor-Joy's uprising in film recently, and she's wonderfully engaging, especially in the recent film by M. Night Shyamalan's 'Split' (2017) where she worked fantastically with James McAvoy in a film in which the subject matter was personally felt and appreciated by myself. I have to comment on the phenomenal performances of Thandie Newton and Evan Rachel Wood in HBO's 'Westworld', which I absolutely adored.

My favourite genres consist of the Western, Sci-Fi (because Star Wars has to get a mention), thrillers and comic book movies (which from my point of view are slowly going down the toilet, but that's a story for another day). I love a good comedy, I love a good drama and I love a good war film. I'm easy, but the one that always kind of niggles me is the Horror genre, which I'm currently studying. I feel like its a very dull and repetitive genre, apart from its early days, but again, a subject for another day. I will say however that 'The Shining' (1980) is a, if you pardon the pun, shining example of a good horror. But again, we'll get to that sometime later, save the hate horror fans.

So now you know my tastes in terms of directors, actors and genres. I get that that isn't the full package when it comes to what I like about film, but I know you'll all find out more as the blog goes on, this is just an introduction... a taste of what's to come. 

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