'Yoda is from Hawaii' and 2018


2018 is here. And with that comes a whole new year for movies, and my blogs. I haven't posted in a while due to the festive period and being very lazy because of it (haven't we all?) and you may also have noticed I haven't made a blog on the best and worst of 2017 yet. Have no fear, it's coming. Since many of the awards season movies come out early 2018 in the UK, there will be a wait as these are technically 2017 films, but I promise it will be a considerable bumper blog, or possibly even a video. We'll see what happens. Expect to see it at the end of the month!

I have seen quite a few new things over Christmas, incluing Bright and Black Mirror Season 4, but I shan't be reviewing them. All scores from this year of films I have seen but not reviewed will be in the 2017 blog. Next week I am away, so the week after there will be a 'Most Anticiapted Films of 2018' blog, so that will be my next offering. Until then, here is something to tide you over. Adapted in my own style for a project I was working on, is an artivle from NME about everyone's favourite Jedi Master, Yoda. I'll post the original article link below. 

Happy New Year!

Yoda is from Hawaii.

Wait, what?

Yoda has always been one of the most mysterious characters in the Star Wars universe, with many fans clueless to where he is from and what his race is. These questions however look like they have been answered by Linguistics professor David Adger, who claims that Yoda actually comes from a place quite close to home. And by that we mean on Earth. And if we’re talking how close on Earth, Adger believes that Yoda may have grown up in Hawaii. Interesting, this is.

Professor Adger, an expert at Queen Mary University of London, claims that Yoda’s back-to-front speech enforced “linguistic detective work” to prove that everyone’s favourite little green friend originally spoke Hawaiian. We’re guessing David finished marking all his student’s essays and got ridiculously bored. Hey, it happens.

“All the other creatures in Star Wars speak their own languages. With the Ewoks, Wookiees and Jabba The Hutt, they subtitle a chunk of it, so they’re all speaking their own language”, he explained to the Press Association, who we guess must have been speechless.

“Yoda comes from a mysterious planet and George Lucas never tells us anything about Yoda… he’s meant to be this mysterious Jedi Master. But he’s obviously speaking English as a second language… His real language, which I’ve called Yodish, we don’t know anything about.”

He added: “He’s speaking English but changed the structure of it to be like his native language.’’ We wonder if he can move like a hula dancer too. That would make an interesting spin-off.

“We can find out something about Yoda’s native language by looking at how he speaks English, in the same way as I can find out about a French person’s native language by looking at how that French person speaks English.You use English words but retain some of the structures from that native language.’’

“Yoda says things like, ‘The greatest teacher, failure is’. If you were to say that in Hawaiian it would be almost exactly the same – putting the predicate before the subject.
“Whatever the scriptwriters are doing is not too far off the mark from what Hawaiian is like.” Seriously, that Press Association must have been lost for words. 

It’s a credible theory, coming from an expert Professor as well, maybe there is something to it? We may never know, but if we find out force ghost Yoda is an expert ukulele player in a future instalment, George Lucas may have nothing left to hide.

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