Is Superhero Fatigue kicking in?


With Avengers Infinity War hitting cinema screens recently, I've heard many go on and on about how superhero movies are a colossal cause of concern, an impending weapon to lay cinema to rest. Now I may be biased since I love these movies and have a separate tag devoted to the subject on this blog, but I think that's a load of rubbish. There's a number of reasons why I think this, and to be quite honest a good starting point would be looking at many of the cynics and hypocrites who are coming up with this nonsense. James Cameron came out saying that yes indeedy, superhero movies are harming cinema, or more specifically Sci-Fi, and that there are other stories to tell. Coming from the guy who has four Avatar sequels being made (where the hell are they?) and continues to produce Terminator movies, I'd say he's talking crap. Sure there are other stories to tell in this universe, and ever so recently I'd say Marvel have actually been doing it, but we'll get to that later.
Then you have Steven Speilberg running his mouth a couple of years ago, saying that the superhero movie will go the way of the western, and is mostly against them... yet he's just signed on to produce and maybe even direct a DC movie. Eager to get on the money train again are we Steve? 
Sorry, I must sound so cynical. But you all must be used to that now right? Of course.

But why do I think you shouldn't listen to these guys, and go off your opinion? Well it's exactly that, go off of your own opinion. But let me argue the side and back up these films, as I feel they're getting an unfair slamming for what they are. I mean come on, ten years ago Marvel Studios set out to do something almost impossible and totally ambitious, and if you went back to 2008 and really thought they'd be able to build such a big universe up to now, what were you on? For a film franchise this is an incredible accomplishment, so big you have so many other film franchises trying to replicate Marvel's style, but the difference is there isn't any love and heart in them. Universal's Dark Universe? Nah, not gonna happen. The big monsters universe starting with that god awful Godzilla movie that came out in 2014? Who cares about that? And DC... well let's not get started on DC.
The Star Wars franchise looks as though it's about to do the same thing, but I honestly don't think anything will come of that either. I mean it will, but it won't generate the same amount of hype and need for the MCU. It's become such a prominent staple of our culture now, Star Wars is great yeah, but nobody cares for that so much anymore.

I also feel like Marvel have really been changing their formula, with bringing in certain filmmakers to add a unique spark to each of their films, ever so recently this has been more the case. James Gunn with Guardians of the Galaxy, Jon Watts with Spider-Man Homecoming, and Taika Waititi with Thor Ragnarok. These have all proved to be hits because they are do different, and it shows that Marvel are ready to listen to the voices of the filmmakers and let them do their own thing - and it's been working out great so far. Now I do think that Infinity War is a little void of this. The Russo brothers are great and have proved themselves with the last two Captain America movies but this one doesn't have that much unique style as those two did, but it's easy to see why, it's an event at this point, not really a movie, and that brings me to my final point.

These movies bring so many people happiness, and you can tell the studio appreciates this to the end of the earth and back. They give their audience everything they want and everything they didn't think they wanted in the first place. Sure, Marvel is a very very very rich studio who must be raking it in - but why? Because of the very people who go to see their movies. And they know that. That's what makes them so special, because they care.

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