13 Reasons Why '13 Reasons Why' Season 2 is Absolute Trash


Wow. Well that was difficult. Seriously, this show is just the worst. The first season, despite it's flaws and it's awful representations of suicide and depression that were down right offensive and crude at least had consistency, a decent structure and some tensity to it. This season? A pointless, disgusting and downright laughable thirteen episodes that deliver nothing but more controversy. So instead of a review, let's get into a rant shall we? In the form of thirteen reasons why the second season of 13 Reasons Why is absolute trash. Buckle in.

13 - Photos are like secrets or something
The amount of times that the first epidote has to drill it in that photographs are like secrets or whatever, is downright patronising. The show runners must think their audience are idiots. And that's just the start.

12 - The dialogue is excruciating
The first season at least managed to have passable dialogue, mostly due to the fact there was source material to go off from. Here? These teenagers speak like children. The delivery isn't great either.

11 - The Writing
The writing in general is terrible, because again, no source material get inspiration from, so the writers just pull this stuff out of their behinds. Awful exposition litters each episode and it feels very pandering. And the main bulk of this season, involving the court case stuff is just so... boring and messy.

10 - The Swearing
I'm not offended by the usage of swearing at all but in this show, the F bomb is dropped so unnecessarily and seems like the writers put them in there to show how 'cool and rebellious' these kids are. Seriously, the usage is so obnoxious and feels so forced.

9 - The Music
Is it just me or do the editors of these shows not know how to edit their music and songs into this show competently? Some of the songs really don't fit some of the scenes either, that or they're incredibly distracting from some important scenes. Feels like a SHIP video some Tumblr girl made on YouTube.

8 - Characters don't think about the consequences of their actions
This mostly involves the jocks of the show, who do things and really don't consider them at all and how it could all go to them and they could get into as worse trouble as they're already in. Then again, all of these characters are idiots anyway so that makes sense as to why they don't notice this stuff...

7 - People don't act like this in real life?
None of these characters act like real human beings. At all. Especially the jocks. They're like generic teen movie jocks and they feel so outdated. Come on, it's 2018, get real.

6 - Why would anyone justify rape?
All of Bryce's friends are horrible. They believe that yes, he raped Hannah and Jessica. But they help him get away with it? If that was my friend I'd disown them immediately. Seriously, are any of these characters real?

5 - Alex
Alex is awful. Miles Heizer cannot act for shit. Get rid of him.

4 - The end of last season was... pointless?
The ending of last season made it seem as though Tyler was about to start a school shooting (we'll get to that) and that he supposedly targeted Alex... but Alex actually shot himself and he and Tyler are actually pretty close. What? When did that happen? What was the point in that ending?

3 - Hannah is still an awful person
I still have no sympathy for her. Plus the visions are so cliche and feel like a desperate way to still include awful actress Katherine Langford. They're so cringey, ugh. 

2 - The finale 'shocker'
The most offensive part of this season is where Tyler is sodomised and beaten, to which he cracks and prepares to shoot up the school. *Sighs*
This scene is not needed at all. Instead, it feels like a desperate attempt to get into the headlines and create some shock value, rather than doing anything insightful with the issue itself and turning it into one of the most offensive and disgusting things in the show. And thats with an overblown, generic looking school shooter element complete with a cliche line: 'Go home Clay.' 
With everything that is happening in the world with these subject the writers go full distasteful here. It's just a ploy to get another season, and it certainly feels that way. It's awful writing and completely disrespectful. Did they learn nothing from Season One?

Bonus Round:
- Using guns and threatening people's lives are just second nature for characters in this show.
- Remember when Justin wanted to kill Clay in S1? Now they're basically brothers...
- How did the guy Tony beat up not recognise him?
- The season long court case becomes pointless in the end.
- The dance was on Saturday 20th April 2018? My birthday was on Saturday the 21st April 2018. Could you not even get the dates right?

1 - The people who make this
That brings me to my final point. These writers don't understand teen problems. I don't feel like I could properly write about depression or rape and such without experiencing it. You can try, but you'll never get to understand how people in these situations feel. That's why the writers and directors shouldn't write for young people in this way. They don't care at all, they have no respect for people going through these problems and would instead rather make a bit of money that telling a compassionate story about real world issues. And that's just sad.

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